The inner ear is also stimulated by vibrations happening inside your body and it's a combination of the inner and outter sounds that make up the sound you hear when you talk.
When you speak, your vocal chords vibrate from your throat, some of that sound gets absorbed and re-transmitted by the bones and tissue in your neck and head. The inner ear responds to these just like any other vibration. Whenever you speak, your inner ear is stimulated by both the internal vibrations in your bones and tissue and by the sound coming out of your mouth.
The combination of vibrations coming to the inner ear, by two different paths, gives your voice (as you normally hear it) a unique 'bassy' character that other sounds don’t have. In particular, your bones enhance (or amplify) deeper, lower-frequency vibrations which gives your voice a fuller, bassier quality that’s lacking when you hear it on a recording.
So be prepared for the first time you hear your voice (on a recording); you'll probably go into shock over what you hear.
by Rich Brennan